by: Aleksandr Nasteka
Sleep. Everyone knows what it is, but nowadays, nobody gets enough: school, work, kids, sleep disorders, and more, all keep us from getting those precious hours of sleep our bodies so desperately need. 70 million Americans are affected with sleep disorders, and because of the economy a third of Americans are losing sleep. So in this troubled time of laying in bed trying to go to sleep, let’s shed some light on how to sleep better.
1. Make sure your bed is right for you.
Ah, the bed. The place our enchanted rest takes place. First of all you need to make sure your mattress is nice and soft, but firm. If you feel the springs, or fall into the middle of the bed, hey you get to buy a new mattress. Second, make sure your pillow is just right, not too high so that your neck hurts, but not too flat, so that your head is flat. Make sure you have blankets in layers, so if you get hot you can take a blanket off, or if you’re too cold you can add one.
2. Make sure your room is in good condition for you to sleep.
To be able to sleep in your room you have to make sure that the temperature is good, cool would be your best option, 65-72 degrees Fahrenheit, but it really depends on the person. Also, make sure there are no lights on, including those from LED lights.
If you eat too much before you sleep not only will your stomach work and make you more awake, It may also give you indigestion, since you’re laying down after eating.
4. No social or recreational drugs.
This means no alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. Caffeine, which can stay in your system as long as 14 hours, increases the number of times you awaken at night and decreases the total amount of sleep time. This may subsequently affect daytime anxiety and performance. The effects of nicotine are similar to those of caffeine, with a difference being that at low doses, nicotine tends to act as a sedative, while at high doses it causes arousals during sleep. Alcohol may initially sedate you, making it easier to fall asleep; however, as it is metabolized and cleared from your system during sleep, it causes arousals that can last as long as two to three hours after it has been eliminated. These arousals disturb sleep, often causing intense dreaming, sweating, and headache. Smoking while drinking caffeine and alcohol can interact to affect your sleep dramatically. These sleep disturbances may be most apparent upon awakening, feeling unrefreshed, groggy, or hungover.
5. Eating or drinking certain kinds of food or liquids can help you go to sleep.
If you have a little milk, yogurt, turkey, chamomile tea, ice cream, soy beans, tuna or peanuts before bed it’ll help you go to sleep. How? All these food have a good amount of Tryptophan, which helps the body produce Serotonin, and that helps the body relax.
6. Set up a “sleep schedule”.
If you go to sleep everyday at the same time your body will know when it’s bedtime and will get tired around the time that you go to sleep, it also helps to wake up at the same time.
7. Your bedroom is for sleep and sex only.
If you watch tv, read books, balance the checkbook, or do anything other than sleep or sex on the bed then your body might be confused as to what you’re doing.
8. No screen time before bed.
If you watch tv or sit in front of the computer before bed, your brain puts you into a state of alertness, which makes it hard to go to sleep.
9. If you wake up during the night and can’t fall asleep don’t worry.
If you find you can’t go to sleep going to the bathroom or just waking up, don’t lay in bed, get out of the bedroom, sit on the couch, go into a room with a dim light, read the warranty on your fridge, these will all make you tired and won’t make you frustrated. The reason is, if you stay in bed, you’ll start worrying about falling asleep, which will make going to sleep harder.
10. If all else fails try a sleep aid.
Nobody’s perfect, we all have trouble falling asleep. Unfortunately some of us have a lot of trouble falling asleep. Luckily there are sleep aids, not sleeping pills; those usually do more harm than good. You can try many things, try a soft fountain in the room, headphones with the gentle sound of nature, and there’s even an aroma that’s proven to help you go to sleep.
If you have trouble falling asleep or you haven’t really had a good night’s rest lately, try one of these out and you’ll be surprised how much easier it is to sleep well.
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